Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

لِ betyder på engelska

لِزُوجَة f

viscosityphysics: quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid

viscositystate of being viscous


multilingualable to communicate fluently in multiple languages

لِسَان m


لِسَان الكَلْب m

hound's tongue''Cynoglossum officinale''

لِسَان الْحَمَل m

plantainsmall plant

لِسَان الْخَرُوف m

plantainsmall plant

لِسَان الْعُصْفُور m

orzobarley-shaped pasta used in soups

لِسَان اَلْمِزْمَار m

epiglottiscartilaginous organ

لِسَان قِطّ m

cat's tonguebiscuit or chocolate confectionery

لِسَانِيَّات f-p

linguisticsscientific study of language

لِسَانِيَّات اِجْتِمَاعِيَّة

sociolinguisticsthe study of social and cultural effects on language

لِسَانِيَّات حَاسُوبِيَّة

computational linguisticsinterdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective


lingualrelated to the tongue

linguisticof or relating to language

لِسُوءِ الْحَظِّ

unfortunatelyhappening through bad luck

لِشْبُونَة f

Lisboncapital city of Portugal

لِصَاق m

gluesticky adhesive substance

لِصَّة f

robberone who robs

thiefone who carries out theft

لِصّ m

robberone who robs

thiefone who carries out theft


byindicates creator of a work

haveto possess

لِفَاع m

kerchiefpiece of cloth

لِفَافَة f

envelopewrapper for mailing

لِفْت m

turnipwhite root of ''Brassica rapa''

لِفْقُسِيَة f

Nicosiacapital of Cyprus

لِقَاء m

meetingaction noun of the verb ''to meet''

لِقَاء الْحُبّ m

datemeeting with a lover or potential lover; a person so met

لِقَاء اَلْحُبّ m

trystprearranged meeting, now especially between lovers

لِقَاء جِنْسِيّ لِلَيْلَة وَاحِدَة

one-night standsexual encounter

لِقْحَة f

milk camelcamel kept for producing milk


picketstake driven into the ground


thatconnecting a clause indicating purpose ("final")


perfor each

لِكْسِيم m

lexemelinguistics: unit of vocabulary, set of different forms of the same lemma


saleablesuitable for sale


toomore than enough; ''as too much''

لِلْوَهْلَة اَلْأُولَى

at first glanceafter only a superficial examination or review