Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

لُو betyder på engelska

كُلُور m

chlorineid=Q688|chemical element

كُو كْلُوكْس كْلَان m

Ku Klux KlanKu Klux Klan

كُوكْتَيْل مُولُوتُوف m

Molotov cocktailsimple incendiary bomb


Colosseumancient stadium in Rome

كُولُومْبُو f

Colombocapital of Sri Lanka

كُولُومْبِيَا f

Colombiaid=Q739|country in South America

Columbiafemale personification of the USA

Columbiapoetic: America

كُولُومْبِيَا اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّة f

British Columbiaprovince of Canada

كُولُون m

coulombunit of electrical charge

كُولُونِيل m

colonelcommissioned office in the armed services

كُولُونِيَا f

cologneeau de Cologne

كِيس نَايْلُون m

plastic bagtype of packaging

كِيلُوبَايْت m

kilobyte1024 bytes

كِيلُوت m

pantiesunderpants for women or girls

pantiesunderpants for women or girls

كِيلُوجُول m

kilojoulean SI unit of energy

كِيلُونْغ m

Keelunga city in Taiwan

كْلُورُوفُورْم m

chloroform(chemistry) an anesthetic


chlorophyllgreen pigment

لُغَة سْلُوفِينْسِيَّة f

Slovincianextinct language of the Slovincian people

لِيلُونْجْوِي m

Lilongwecapital of Malawi

لِيلُونْغْوِي m

Lilongwecapital of Malawi


familiarknown to one

ordinarynormal, routine

مَاء كُولُونِيَا m

cologneeau de Cologne

مَالُوش m

mole cricketinsect of ''Gryllotalpidae''

مَانْغَلُور m

Mangalorecity in western India


wetof an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid

مَبْنِيّ لِلْمَعْلُوم m

active voicethe form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action

مَجْلِس لُورْدَات m

House of Lordsupper chamber of UK parliament

مَحْلُول m

solutionliquid mixture

مَخْلُوق m

beinga living creature

creatureliving being

مَدِينَة لُوسَيْل

LusailLusail, Al Daayen, Qatar


boiledcooked in hot water


paralyzed(of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement; disabled


crucifiedthat has been subject to crucifixion


oppressedSubject to oppression


Maaloulatown in Syria

