Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

فَلَك betyder på engelska

فَلَك f


فَلَك m

astronomystudy of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere

orbitpath of one object around another

فَلَكِي m

astronomerone who studies astronomy


astronomicallyrelating to astronomy

فَلَكِيَة f

astronomerone who studies astronomy


astronomicalvery large

فَلَكِيّ m

astrologicalpertaining to astrology

astronomicalof or relating to astronomy

zodiacalof or pertaining to the zodiac

جِرْم فَلَكِيّ m

heavenly bodynatural celestial body

خَاصّ بِالأَبْرَاج الفَلَكِيَّة m

zodiacalof or pertaining to the zodiac

عَالِم فَلَك m

astronomerone who studies astronomy

عَالِم فِيزِيَاء فَلَكِيَّة m

astrophysicistone who studies astrophysics

عِلْم الْفَلَك m

astronomystudy of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere

عِلْمُ الْقِيَاسَاتِ الْفَلَكِيَّة m

astrometrybranch of astronomy

فِزِيَاء الفَلَكِيَّة f

astrophysicsinterdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics

قِيَاسُ الْفَلَك m

astrometrybranch of astronomy

وَحْدَة فَلَكِيَّة f

astronomical unitmeasure of distance