Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

فَا betyder på engelska

فَاطِمَة f

Fatimafemale given name


Fatimidmember of a Muslim dynasty


activein grammar

agentone who exerts power

فَاعِل m

doersomeone who does

subjectin grammar

فَاعِلَة f

doersomeone who does

فَاعِلِيَّة f

agencycapacity of acting or of exerting power

فَاغِرَة f

Sichuan pepperpod of Zanthoxylum

فَاغْنَر m




favelaA slum in Brazil


exceedto be better than something else or than expected or desirable

exceedto be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable

exceedto go beyond the limits of something

exceltransitive: to surpass someone or something

surpassto exceed

فَاكِهَة f


فَاكِهَة تِنِّين f

dragon fruitfruit

فَاكِهَة زَهْرَة اَلْآلَام f

passion fruitedible fruit

فَاكِهَةْ اَلنَّجْمَة f

star fruitfruit

فَاكْس m

faxdocument transmitted by telephone

فَالَج m

paralysisloss of muscle control


Cox's BazarCox's Bazar

فَالُوس m

phallusthe penis or its representation

phallusthe penis or its representation

فَالُون دَافَا

Falun Gonga spiritual practice

فَالُون غُونْغ m

Falun Gonga spiritual practice

فَالِج m

Bactrian camel''Camelus bactrianus''

PelegBiblical character

فَالِخ m

PelegBiblical character

فَالِغ m

PelegBiblical character

فَالِنْسِيَا f

Valenciacapital of the Valencian Community

فَالِيرِي f

Valeriefemale given name

فَالِّيتَا f

Vallettacapital of Malta

فَالْس m

waltza ballroom dance

فَالْفَا f

vulvacollectively the external female sexual organs

فَالْكِيرِي f

valkyrieany of the female attendants, or handmaidens of Odin

فَالْهَالَا f

Valhallain Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle

فَالْهُول m

Valhallain Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle