Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

عِلْم betyder på engelska

عِلْم اَلْأَرْض m

geologythe study of the earth

عِلْم اَلْأَسْمَاك m

ichthyologybranch of zoology devoted to the study of fish

عِلْم اَلْأَعْرَاض m

symptomatologyscience that studies the symptoms of diseases

عِلْم اَلْأَوْرَام m

oncologybranch of medicine

عِلْم اَلْإِحْصَاء m

statisticsmathematical discipline

عِلْم اَلْإِرَاضَة m

geologythe study of the earth

عِلْم اَلْإِمْلَاء m

spellinga specific spelling of a word

spellingthe practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography

عِلْم اَلْبِيئَة m

ecologybranch of biology

عِلْم اَلْحَشَرَات m

entomologystudy of insects

عِلْم اَلْحَيَوَان m

zoologyscience that studies the animal kingdom

عِلْم اَلْمَعَانِي m

semanticsscience of the meaning of words

عِلْم اَلْمُثَلَثَات m

trigonometrybranch of mathematics

عِلْم اَلْمُنَاخ m


عِلْم اَلْمِصْرِيَّات

Egyptologythe study of ancient Egypt

عِلْم اَلْهَنْدَسَة m

geometrybranch of mathematics

عِلْم تَأْثِيل m

etymologystudy of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words

عِلْم حِسَاب اَلْمُثَلَثَات m

trigonometrybranch of mathematics

عِلْم حِفْظ الصِّحَّة m

hygienescience of health

عِلْم شِعَارات النَبَالَة m

heraldrythe profession of devising and blazoning arms

عِلْم قَوَاعِد m

grammarstudy of internal structure and use of words

عِلْم نَفْس سَرِيرِيّ m

clinical psychologybranch of psychology

عِلْمُ الآثَار m

archaeologyscientific study of past remains

عِلْمُ الأَمْرَاض m

pathologybranch of medicine

عِلْمُ الإِنْسَان m

anthropologythe study of humanity

عِلْمُ الرُّوبُوتَات m

roboticsthe science and technology of robots

عِلْمُ العَرُوض m

prosodypoetry: study of poetic meter etc

عِلْمُ الْآثَارِ الْقَدِيمَة m

archaeologyscientific study of past remains

عِلْمُ الْقِيَاسَاتِ الْفَلَكِيَّة m

astrometrybranch of astronomy

عِلْمُ فِقْهِ اللُّغَة m


عِلْمُ وِرَاثَة m

geneticsbranch of biology

عِلْمُ ٱلْأَصْوَاتِ ٱللُّغَوِيَّةِ m

phonologystudy of the way sounds function in languages

عِلْمِيَّة f

processpath of succession of states through which a system passes


scientificof or having to do with science

أَخِصَّائِيّ عِلْمِ النَّفْس m

psychologistexpert in the field of psychology

اَلْمِنْهَج الْعِلْمِيّ m

scientific methodmethod of discovering knowledge

اِسْم عِلْمِيّ m

scientific nameformal name

بِغَيْرِ عِلْم

unknowinglywithout awareness, without intent

خَبِير فِي عِلْمِ الطُّيُور m

ornithologistexpert in ornithology

خَيَال عِلْمِيّ m

science fictionfiction genre