Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

عَمُود betyder på engelska


columnistregular writer of a column

pedestalthe base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like

عَمُود f

columnnewspaper column

عَمُود m

columnupright supporting structure

columnvertical line of entries in a table

polelong and slender object for construction or support

postlong dowel or plank protruding from the ground

عَمُود ، دِعَامَة ، قائِمُ دَعمٍ فُولاذيّ

stanchionvertical pole, post or support

عَمُود إِنَارَة m

lamppostpole that holds up a light

عَمُود البَرِيد m

telegraph postpole that carries telephone lines

عَمُود البَيْت m

tentpolepole used to hold up a tent

عَمُود التَّهْوِيَة m

airshaftan opening facilitating air circulation

عَمُود الحَدَبَات m

camshafta shaft fitted with cams

عَمُود الدَّوَرَان m

driveshafta shaft used to transmit rotary motion

عَمُود الرَّقْص m

maypolepole, garlanded with streamers held by people who dance around it to celebrate May Day

عَمُود السُّلَّم m

stairwella shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase

عَمُود الْمِرْفَق m

crankshaftrotating shaft that drives a crank

عَمُود رَمْز m

totem polesculpture

عَمُود فَقْرِيّ m

backboneseries of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord


عَمُود فِقْرِيّ

vertebral columnvertebral column

عَمُود كَهْرَباء m

utility poletall cylinder

عَمُود مِصْبَاح m

lamppostpole that holds up a light

عَمُود نَاقِل الْحَرَكَة m

rotora rotating part of a mechanical device


perpendicularat or forming a right angle to

verticalbeing perpendicular to horizontal

تَاج العَمُود m

capitaluppermost part of a column|id=architecture