Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

عَالِم betyder på engelska

عَالِم m

alimscholar of Islamic law

knowledgeablewell informed

man of lettersa literary man

savanta person of learning

scholarlearned person

scholarspecialist in a particular branch of knowledge

scientistone whose activities make use of the scientific method

عَالِم آثَار m

archaeologistsomeone who studies or practises archaeology

عَالِم النَّفْس m

psychologistexpert in the field of psychology

عَالِم اَلْجِنْس m

sexologistsomeone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality

عَالِم سِيَاسِيّ m

political scientistpolitical science expert

عَالِم طُيُور m

ornithologistexpert in ornithology

عَالِم فَلَك m

astronomerone who studies astronomy

عَالِم فِيزِيَاء فَلَكِيَّة m

astrophysicistone who studies astrophysics

عَالِم لُغَوِيّ m

linguistone who studies linguistics

عَالِمَة f

scientistone whose activities make use of the scientific method

عَالِمَة سِيَاسِيَّة f

political scientistpolitical science expert

زِيَارَة مَعَالِم اَلْمَدِينَة f


مُتَعَالِم m

wiseacreone who feigns knowledge or cleverness
