Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

ط betyder på engelska

طَارِق m-s

Tuaregmember of the Tuareg people


freshnew or clean

طَاشْكَنْدْ f

Tashkentcapital of Uzbekistan

طَاعَة f

obediencequality of being obedient

طَاعُون m

plaguespecific disease "the Plague"

طَاغٍ m

despotruler with absolute power; tyrant


juggernautliteral or metaphorical force or object regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path


tyrantharsh and cruel ruler

طَاغِيَة f

despotruler with absolute power; tyrant

طَاغِيَة جَمَال f

femme fataleseductive and dangerous woman


circumambulateto walk around

طَاقَة f

energycapacity to do work

energyimpetus behind activity


powerphysical force or strength

windowopening for light and air

طَاقَة حَرَكِيَّة

kinetic energyenergy from motion

طَاقَة ذَرِّيَّة f

nuclear energyenergy released by a nuclear reaction

طَاقَة كَهْرَبَائِيَّة f

powerelectricity, electricity supply|id=electricity

طَاقَم m

crewgroup of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment

staffemployees of a business

طَاقِم m

crewgroup of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment

staffemployees of a business

طَاقِيَّة f

beaniecap that fits the head closely


lengthento become longer


insofarto such a degree or extent

oftenfrequently, many times

طَالُوت m

Saulfirst king of Israel

طَالِب m

studentperson enrolled at a school, university or other education institution

studentperson enrolled at a university|university student

studentperson who studies a subject

Talibanmember of the Taliban movement or its militia

طَالِب لُجُوء m

asylum seekerperson who has applied for asylum

طَالِبَان m-p


طَالِبَان m

TalibanIslamist movement in Afghanistan

طَالِبَة f

studentperson enrolled at a school, university or other education institution

studentperson enrolled at a university|university student

studentperson who studies a subject

Talibanmember of the Taliban movement or its militia

طَالِبَة لُجُوء f

asylum seekerperson who has applied for asylum