Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

شَمْسِيّ betyder på engelska


solarof or pertaining to the sun

شَمْسِيّ الْمَرْكَز

heliocentrichaving the sun at the center

اِنْفِجَار شَمْسِيّ m

solar flareviolent explosion

اِنْقِلَاب شَمْسِيّ m

solsticepoint where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun

حَرْف شَمْسِيّ m

sun lettersun letter

حَرْق شَمْسِيّ m

sunburnburn on skin

حَمَّام شَمْسِيّ m

sunbathperiod of tanning

مَدَار شَمْسِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

heliocentric orbit

نِظَام شَمْسِيّ m

Solar Systemid=Q544|the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it
