Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

سر betyder på engelska


Sarawakstate in Malaysia


serpentinitemetamorphic rock


carcinomainvasive malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue


fastwith great speed|id=quickly

quicklyrapidly, fast

سرعة الإفلات

escape velocityminimum velocity

سرعة الزمرة

group velocitypropagation velocity of a wave envelope

سرعة الطور

phase velocitypropagation velocity of a pure sine wave

سرعَة الصوت f

speed of soundspeed at which sound is propagated

سرعَة الضوء

speed of lightthe speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum

سرغوم m


سري m

clandestinedone or kept in secret

سرير مورفي

Murphy bedbed that folds up into the wall

أسرع من الطرف

in the blink of an eyeimmediately, instantaneously

أسرى m-p

detaineeone who is detained

الكنيسة السريانية الأرثوذكسية

Syriac Orthodox ChurchOriental Orthodox church centered in Syria

النسر الطائر


تسرع القلب m

tachycardiarapid resting heart rate

جبنة سويسرية

Swiss cheesecheese with holes


ponspart of the brain

جسر مؤقث

gangwaytemporary bridge

جنوب سردينيا

South Sardiniaprovince

جنوب سردينية f

South Sardiniaprovince

حب أسري

storgenatural affection or love, especially of parents for their children

دولة إسرائيل f

Israelid=Q801|the state

سورة الإسراء

Children of Israel17th sura of the Qur'an

سورة بني إسرائيل

Children of Israel17th sura of the Qur'an

سويسرول f

Swiss rolltype of sponge cake roll

عداد سرعة

speedometera device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle

عدم الإعادة القسرية

non-refoulementprinciple that a person should not be returned to an area where they would face mistreatment

عمل قسري

forced laborwork which one is compelled to perform


coercionactual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person


fractureact of breaking, or something broken

لغة سريانية

Classical Syriac

لوسرن f


مرض السرقَة

kleptomaniadisorder that causes an uncontrollable obsessions with stealing

موت سريري

clinical deathstate in which usual vital signs are not present

مَطَبّ سرعة السُّرْعَة

speed bumptransverse ridge in the road


jump the gunto act without due caution

يسرح الشعر\الحشائش

raketo act upon with a rake, or as if with a rake