Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

زِير betyder på engelska

زِير m

jugserving vessel

pitcherA wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids

زِير نِسَاء m

womanizerhabitual seducer of women

زِيرْكُونْيُوم m

zirconiumchemical element

إِنْفْلُوَنْزَا خَنَازِير f

swine fluinfluenza caused by orthomyxoviruses

الجَزِيرَة f

Al JazeeraArabic satellite TV news channel

الْجَزِيرَة الشَّمَالِيَّة f

North Islandone of the two major islands making up New Zealand

الْجَزِيرَة اَلْجَنُوبِيَّة f

South Islandone of the two major islands making up New Zealand

جَزِيرَة f

islandarea of land completely surrounded by water

جَزِيرَة أَسِنْسِيُون f

Ascension Islandan island in the South Atlantic

جَزِيرَة الكْرِيسْمَاس f

Christmas Islandnon self-governing territory of Australia

جَزِيرَة الْفِصْح

Easter IslandIsland in the Pacific

جَزِيرَة عِيد اَلْفِصْح f

Easter IslandIsland in the Pacific

جَزِيرَة مَانْ

Isle of Manisland

جَزِيرَة نُورْفُولْك

Norfolk Islandexternal territory of Australia

جَزِيرَةُ الثُّعْبَان f

Snake IslandBlack Sea island of Ukraine bordering Romania

حَزِيرَان m

Junesixth month of the Gregorian calendar

خَنْزِير بَرِيّ m

wild boar''Sus scrofa''

خَنْزِير بَرِّيّ m

warthoga species of wild pig

خِنْزِير m

boarmale pig

hoganimal of the family Suidae

pigmammal of genus ''Sus''

خِنْزِير الْبَحْر m


خِنْزِير الْمَاء m

capybara''Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris''

خِنْزِير اَلْأَرْض m


خِنْزِير غِينِيَّا m

guinea pigrodent

خِنْزِيرَة f

sowfemale pig


porcineof or pertaining to the pig

زَرِيبَةُ خَنَازِير f

pigstyenclosure where pigs are kept

شِبْه الْجَزِيرَة اَلْقُطْبِيّة اَلْجَنُوبِيَّة f

Antarctic Peninsulathe northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica

شِبْه الْجَزِيرَةِ الْكُورِيَّة f

Korean Peninsulaid=Q483134|peninsula

شِبْه اَلْجَزِيرَة اَلْعَرَبِيَّة f

Arabian Peninsulapeninsula in the Middle East

شِبْه جَزِيرَة f

peninsulapiece of land projecting into water

شِبْه جَزِيرَة البَلْقَان f

Balkan Peninsulapeninsula in southeastern Europe|Balkans

شِبْه جَزِيرَة اَلْقِرِم f

Crimean peninsulapeninsula|Crimea

شِبْه جَزِيرَة كُولَا m

Kola Peninsulapeninsula in Russia

شِبْهُ الجَزِيرَة الإيبِيرِيَا f

Iberian Peninsulapeninsula

شِبْهُ اَلْجَزِيرَةِ اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ f

Arabiaa peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf

عُشْبَة الْخِنْزِير f

hogweedumbelliferous plant, ''Heracleum''

قَنَاة اَلْجَزِيرَة ٱلْفَضَائِيَّة f

Al JazeeraArabic satellite TV news channel