Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

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بِرِيطانِيَا f

Britainid=Q23666|island|Great Britain|British Isles

بِرِيطَانِيَا الْعُظْمَى f

Great Britainid=Q23666|island

بِرِيطَانِيَّا الْجَدِيدَة f

New Britainisland

بِرِيطَانِيَّة f

Britishcitizens or inhabitants of Britain

Britoncitizen of Great Britain


Britishof Britain

بِرِيطَانِيّ m

Britishcitizens or inhabitants of Britain

Britoncitizen of Great Britain

بِسَاط سِحْرِيّ m

magic carpetcarpet capable of magical flight

بِشَكْل دَوْرِيّ

periodicallyin a regular, periodic manner

بِطَاقَة تَعْرِيف f

identity cardidentity card

بِطَرِيقَة أُخْرَى

or elseas an alternative

بِطْرِيق m

penguinflightless sea bird


crystal(used attributively)

بِهَارِيّ m

BihariA group of Indo-Aryan languages spoken in Bihar and the surrounding states in India.

Bihariof or pertaining to Bengal

بِيرِيسْتْرُويْكَا f

perestroikareform in the Soviet Union in 1980s

بِيرِيلْيُوم m

berylliumid=Q569|chemical element

بِيَانُ القِيثَارِي m

harpsichordmusical instrument

بْرَيْرِيَال m

Prairialthe ninth month of French Republican Calendar

بْرُولِيتَارِيَا f

proletariatlowest class of society; lower classes of society generally

بْرُولِيتَارِيَّة f

proletarianmember of the proletariat


proletarianrelating to proletariat

بْرُولِيتَارِيّ m

proletarianmember of the proletariat

بْرِي m

briemild French cheese

بْرِيتُورِيَا f

Pretoriaadministrative capital of South Africa

بْرِيدْج m

bridgecard game

بْرِيدْج تَاوْن f

Bridgetowncapital of Barbados

بْرِيزْبِين m

BrisbaneCapital of Queensland, Australia

بْرِيسْت f

Bresta city in Belarus

Bresta city in Belarus

بْرِيسْت m

Bresta city in Brittany

Bresta city in Brittany

بْرِيسْتُول m

Bristolcity in south-west England


Presleytransliterations of the English name "Presley"

Presleytransliterations of the English name "Presley"

بْرِيك m

BRICBrazil, Russia, India, and China

بْرِيمُورْسْكِي كْرَاي m

Primorsky Kraifederal subject of Russia

بْرِيمِن m



Pringleindividual potato snack of the Pringles brand