Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

دَوْر betyder på engelska


playaction carried out when it is one's turn to play

دَوْر m

partposition or role, especially in a play

rolecharacter or part

storeyfloor, level

turnchance to use (something) shared in sequence with others

دَوْرَات f

courselearning program


cyclecomplete rotation

roundstage of a sports competition

subjectparticular area of study

دَوْرَة f

courselearning program

revolutionturning of an object around an axis

rotationact of turning around a centre

sessionmeeting of a body to conduct business

دَوْرَة زراعي زِرَاعِيَّة

crop rotationfarming practice

دَوْرَةُ المِيَاه f

toiletroom used for urination and defecation|bathroom|men's room|ladies' room|outhouse|portable toilet|latrine|shitter

دَوْرَق m

flaskcontainer for a small amount of beverage

دَوْرِيَّة f

patrolgoing of the rounds

patrolguards who go the rounds for observation

patrolmovement by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts

دَوْرِيّ m

leagueorganization of sports teams

بِشَكْل دَوْرِيّ

periodicallyin a regular, periodic manner

جَدْوَلٌ دَوْرِيّ m

periodic tabletabular chart of the chemical elements