Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

خَمْر betyder på engelska


boozeany alcoholic beverage

liquorstrong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation

spiritsstrong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation

خَمْر f

winealcoholic beverage made from grapes

خَمْر أَبْيَض m

white winelight coloured wine

خَمْر أَحْمَر m

red winered coloured wine

خَمْرَة f

sherryfortified wine

شَارِب الخَمْر m

tipplerhabitual drinker

صُدَاع الخَمْر m

hangovernegative effects caused by heavy drinking

مُعَاقِر الخَمْر m

tipplerhabitual drinker