Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

حَرَكَة betyder på engelska

حَرَكَة f

motionstate of progression from one place to another

movementphysical motion

movementtrend in various fields or social categories


حَرَكَة بَرَاوْنِيَّة f

Brownian motionrandom motion of particles suspended in a fluid

حَرَكَة حَمَاس f

HamasPalestinian militant group

حَرَكَة حُقُوق الْمَرْأَة f

feminismthe social theory or political movement

حَرَكَة فَتْح


إِيقَاف الْحَرَكَة m

stop-motionanimation technique

خَفِيف اَلْحَرَكَة

agilehaving the faculty of quick motion in the limbs

عَمُود نَاقِل الْحَرَكَة m

rotora rotating part of a mechanical device

فِيلْمُ حَرَكَةٍ

action moviea type of motion picture