Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

بُون betyder på engelska

بُون m

Bonna city in Germany

Obona Japanese festival

Obona Japanese festival


Punicof or relating to ancient Carthage|Carthaginian



بُونْسَاي m

bonsaia miniaturized tree or plant

bonsaia miniaturized tree or plant

أَوَّل أُكْسِيد اَلْكَرْبُون m

carbon monoxidechemical of the formula CO

أُشْبُونَة f

Lisboncapital city of Portugal

إِبُونِيت m

eboniteproduct of vulcanizing rubber with sulfur

اَلْغَابُون m

Gabonid=Q1000|Gabonese Republic

بَابُون m


بَابُونَج m

camomile''Matricaria recutita''

بِيلُوبُونِيز m

Peloponneseregion of Greece

بِينْغ بُونْغ m

table tennisgame similar to tennis


trombonea musical instrument in the brass family

ثَانِي أُكْسِيد الْكَرْبُون m

carbon dioxideCO₂

جَيْمْس بُونْد m

James Bondfictional British spy

جِيمْس بُونْد m

James Bondfictional British spy

حَرْبُون m

harpoonspearlike weapon

رَابُونْزِل f

Rapunzelthe main character of that tale

زَبُون m

clienta customer or receiver of services

customerone who purchases or receives a product or service

صَابُون m


صَابُونِيَّة f


عَصْبُون m

nerve cellcell of the nervous system|neuron

neurona cell of the nervous system

غِيبُون/جِبَّوْن/جِبُون m

gibbonsmall ape

فِيبُونَاتْشِي m


كَارْبُونَارَا f

carbonaraspaghetti dish

كَرْبُون m

carbonid=Q623|chemical element

كَرْبُونَات اَلصُّودْيُوم m

sodasodium carbonate

كُوبُون m

couponcertificate of interest due

couponcertificate of interest due

لِشْبُونَة f

Lisboncapital city of Portugal

مَرَضُ الْعَصْبُونِ الْحُرَكِي m

motor neuron diseaseneurodegenerative disorder
