Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

بَارَا betyder på engelska


Parástate in northern Brazil

بَارَاجُوَاي f

Paraguayid=Q733|country in South America

بَارَاغُوَاي f

Paraguayid=Q733|country in South America

بَارَاغْوائِيّ m

Paraguayanperson from Paraguay

بَارَاغْوَانِيّ m

Paraguayanperson from Paraguay

بَارَاك m

Barackmale given name

بَارَاكِيت m

parakeetvarious species of small parrots


Paralympicpertaining to the Paralympic Games

بَارَالَمْبِيّ m

Paralympianone who competes in the Paralympic Games

بَارَالَمْبِيّة f

Paralympianone who competes in the Paralympic Games

بَارَامَارِيبُو f

Paramaribocapital of Suriname

بَارَامِتِر m

parametername in a function or subroutine definition

parametervariable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar


Paranástate in southern Brazil

بَارَانُويَا f

paranoiaa psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution


Paraíbaa state in north-eastern Brazil

أَلْعَاب بَارَالِمْبِيَّة f-p

Paralympic Gamesinternational sports competition participated in by sportspeople with physical disabilities|Paralympics

إِيبَارَاكِي m

IbarakiIbaraki, Japan

بَابَارَاتْزِي m

paparazzofreelance photographer of celebrities

كِتَابُ اْلعِبَارَاتِ

phrase bookbook of everyday expressions and vocabulary

مُبَارَاة f

competitionaction of competing

competitioncontest for a prize or award

matchsporting event

مُبَارَاة وِدِّيَّة f

exhibition gamepractice game