Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

اِبْن betyder på engelska

اِبْن m

benson of

childson or daughter; someone's child

اِبْن آدَم m

human beingperson|man/translations|person

اِبْن آوَى m

jackalwild canine

اِبْن اللَّٰه m

Son of God

اِبْن خَال m

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

اِبْن خَالَة m

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

اِبْن رُشْد m

AverroesAndalusian polymath

اِبْن زِنًى m

bastardperson born to unmarried parents

اِبْن سِينَا m

AvicennaPersian polymath

اِبْن عَمَّة m

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

اِبْن عَمّ m

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

اِبْن عِرْس m

weaselleast weasel, ''Mustela nivalis''

اِبْن كَلْب m

son of a bitchobjectionable person

اِبْنَة f

childson or daughter; someone's child

daughterfemale offspring

اِبْنَة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

اِبْنَة زِنًى f

bastardperson born to unmarried parents

اِبْنُ أَخٍ m

nephewfraternal or sororal nephew|fraternal nephew|sororal nephew

اِبْنُ أُخْتٍ

nephewfraternal or sororal nephew|fraternal nephew|sororal nephew

اِبْنُ الأَخ m

fraternal nephewbrother's son

اِبْنُ الإنْسان m

Son of ManJesus Christ

اِبْنُ الفَاعِلَةِ m

son of a guneuphemism

اِبْنُ ساعَتِهِ

transientpassing or disappearing with time; transitory

اِبْنُ مِقْرَض m

ferretthe mammal ''Mustela putorius furo''

اِبْنُ وَالِدَتِهِ m

mama's boymale overly attached to his mother

اِبْنِ الاُخْت m

sororal nephewsister’s son

زَوْج اَلاِبْنَة m


زَوْجَة اَلاِبْن f

daughter-in-lawwife of one's child

فُلان اِبْن فُلان m

John Doeany unknown or anonymous male person