Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

اف betyder på engelska

لِفَافَة f

envelopewrapper for mailing

متوافق الجنس

cisgenderhaving a gender the same as one's assigned sex at birth

محافظة f

governorateterritory ruled by a governor

محافظة البحر الأحمر

Red Sea Governorategovernorate of Egypt

مقاوم للجفاف

drought-tolerantable to survive long periods of time without rain

منافض مفصل

brass knucklesweapon which reinforces the fist


OKcomputing: to activate the OK button

ميتافيزيقا f

metaphysicsbranch of philosophy that studies first principles

مَافِيَا f

mafiaa crime syndicate

مَحَطَّة حَافِلَات f

bus stationmajor bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes

مَخَافَةَ أَن

lestfor fear that

مَرَافِق p

facilityphysical means or contrivance for doing something

مَسَافَة f

distance(''countable, uncountable'') amount of space between points

intervalmusic: distance in pitch of notes

مَكْتَب صِرَافَة m

bureau de changea place where foreign currency can be exchanged


Machiavellianattempting to achieve goals by cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous methods

مَوْقِف لِلْحَافِلَات m

bus stopa stop for public transport buses



Silvancity in the Diyarbakır Province of Turkey

مُحَافَظَة f

countyadministrative region of various countries

defenseaction of protecting from attack

muhafazahadministrative division

preservationthe act of preserving

مُحَافَظَة أُوكِينَاوَا


مُحَافَظَة بَرِشَال

Barisal DivisionBarisal Division


conservativesupporting fiscal, political or social conservatism

conservativetending to resist change

مُحَافِظ m

caretakerone who takes care of a place or thing

conservativeone who favors the status quo

مُدَافَعَة f

defenseaction of protecting from attack

مُدَافِع m

defendersomeone who defends

defendersports term

مُرَافَقَة f

escortprotection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion

مُرَافِق m

complex conjugatemathematics: number formed by changing the sign of the imaginary part of a complex number

مُسَافَرَة f

journeytrip, a voyage

مُسَافِر m

farepaying passenger

passengerone who rides or travels in a vehicle

travellerone who travels

مُسَافِر شِيك m

traveller's chequepreprinted cheque for a fixed amount

مُسَافِرَة f

passengerone who rides or travels in a vehicle

