Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

إِل betyder på engelska


electronicof or pertaining to the Internet

electronicof or pertaining to the Internet

electronicpertaining to electrons


Elizabethfemale given name


Elisabethmother of John the Baptist

إِلِيصَابَات f

Elizabethfemale given name

إِلْ بَاسُو f

El Pasoa city in USA

إِلْبْرُوز m


إِلْحَاح m

persistenceproperty of being persistent

إِلْحَاد m

atheismlack of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)

إِلْحَاق m

annexationaddition or incorporation of something


coercionactual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person

إِلْغَاء m

abolishmentThe act of abolishing

abolitionact of abolishing

abrogationact of abrogating

إِلْغَاء الضَوَابِط التَنْظِيمِيَّة

deregulateto remove the regulations from

إِلْغَاء الضَّوْضَاء m

noise cancellation

إِلْفَنْتِين f

Elephantinean island

إِلْفَنْتِينِيّ f

Elephantineof, from, or pretaining to the island

إِلْفِيس m

Elvisa male given name

إِلْقَاء m

deliverymanner of speaking


Elmomale given name


Ilham''male given name''

إِلْهَام m

inspirationstimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions

inspirationsupernatural divine influence

إِلْيَاس m

Elijahbiblical prophet


Godan omnipotent being

إِلٰه m

deitya god or goddess|god|God


goddessfemale deity

إِلٰهِيَّات f-p

theologystudy of God, or a god, or gods


divineeternal, holy or otherwise godlike

divineof or pertaining to a god

godlyof or pertaining to a god

أَضِف إِلَى ذٰلِك

moreoverin addition to what has been said

إِتْش.تِي.إِم.إِل m


إِس كْيُو إِل

SQLSQL (Structured Query Language)

الِاثْنَيْن الْإِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

Cyber Mondaythe Monday after Thanksgiving, regarded as a day when many people shop online

اَلرِّسَالَة إِلَى أَهْلِ أَفَسُسَ

Ephesiansbook of the Bible

اِسْتَبْضِعَ التَّمْرَ إِلَى هَجَر

carry coals to Newcastledo something unneeded or redundant

اِسْتِنَادًا إِلَى

by virtue ofbecause of