Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

إِس betyder på engelska

رُهَاب الْإِسْلَام m

Islamophobiafear or hatred of Islam or Muslims

رِسَالَة إِس إِم إِس f

SMSa text message sent on a cell phone

texta brief written message transmitted between mobile phones

text messagea brief electronic message

سَيَّارَة إِسْعَاف f

ambulanceemergency vehicle

طَوَاف إِسْبَانِيَا m

Vuelta a Españaannual cycling race in Spain

قَائِد اَلثَّوْرَة اَلْإِسْلَامِيَّة m

Supreme Leaderhead of state of Iran

كَنِيسَة إِسْكُتْلَنْدَا f

Church of Scotlandnational Presbyterian church of Scotland

لُغَة اَلْإِشَارَة اَلْإِسْبَانِيَّة f

Spanish Sign Languagelanguage that uses hands, facial expressions, and other bodily behavior to communicate

مَدْرَسَة إِسْلَامِيَّة f

madrasahschool for Islamic theology

مَمْلَكَة إِسْبَانِيَا f

Kingdom of Spainid=Q29|official name of Spain

مَمْلَكَةُ إِسْكُتْلَنْدَا

Kingdom of Scotlandid=Q230791|Kingdom of Scotland

مُرَكَّبٌ إِسْنَادِيّ

clausegrammar: group of words which include a subject and any necessary predicate

وَرَق إِسْتِشْفاف m

tracing papertranslucent paper

