Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

رُو bedeutet auf Englisch

زَلّة فْرُويْد f

Freudian slipsubconscious mistake in speech or action

زُعْرُور m

hawthornshrub or tree of the genus ''Crataegus''

زُورُو m

Zorrofictional character

سَابُورُو m

Sapporoa city of Japan

سَيَّارَة هِيدْرُوجِينِيَّة

hydrogen vehicleany vehicle that uses hydrogen as its principal fuel

سُرُور m

joyfeeling of happiness

سُنْبُل رُومِيّ m

valerian''Valeriana officinalis''

سُوبَارُو m

Subaruautomobile manufacturer

سِفْر الْخَرُوج

Exodusbook of Torah and Old Testament

سِمْفِرُوبُل m

Simferopolprovincial capital of the Crimea


Citroëncar brand

سِيجَارَة إِلِكْتْرُونِيَّة f

electronic cigaretteelectronic cigarette

سِيرُوتُونِين m

serotoninthe compound 5-hydroxytryptamine

سِيَاسَةُ الأَرْضِ المَحْرُوقَة f

scorched earth

scorched-earth policy

سْتَافْرُوبُول m


سْتْرُومَاتُولِيت f

stromatoliterock-like structure built by microorganisms



شَارُون m

Charona moon of Pluto

شَرُوكِين m


شَرْط ضَرُورِيّ m

necessary conditionlogical statement


blackbird''Turdus merula'': blackbird


sunrisetime of day

شُرُوق m

morningthe part of the day after midnight and before midday

sunrisefigurative awakening

شُرُوق الشَّمْس

sunrisetime of day

شِيشِرُون m

CiceroRoman statesman and orator

صَارُوخ m

missileair-based weapon

missileself-propelled, guidable projectile

rocketmilitary: non-guided missile

rocketrocket engine


صَارُوخ بَالِسْتِيّ m

ballistic missilemissile

صَارُوخ جَوَّال m

cruise missilewinged missile

صَارُون m

saronggarment made of printed cloth wrapped about the waist


Serbo-Croatianpertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language

صَرْبُو-كُرُوَاتِيّ m

Serbo-CroatianSouth Slavic language

صَيْرُورَة f

becomingThe act or process by which something becomes

ضَرُورَة f

necessityquality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite

needsomething required


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