Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

رُو bedeutet auf Englisch

بْرُوسْتَات m

prostateprostate gland

prostateprostate gland

بْرُوسْكِيتَّا f

bruschettaItalian toasted bread topped with garlic and tomatoes

بْرُوسْيَا f

Prussiaformer German province

Prussiageographical area

بْرُوش m

broochjewellery with pin

broochjewellery with pin

بْرُوكُلِي m

broccoliplant ''Brassica oleracea'' var. ''italica''

بْرُوكْسِل f

Brusselscapital city of Belgium

بْرُولِيتَارِيَا f

proletariatlowest class of society; lower classes of society generally

بْرُولِيتَارِيَّة f

proletarianmember of the proletariat


proletarianrelating to proletariat

بْرُولِيتَارِيّ m

proletarianmember of the proletariat

بْرُومَيْر m

Brumairethe second month of the French Republican Calendar


promethiumchemical element

بْرُونَاي f

Bruneiid=Q921|a country in Southeast Asia

بْرُونُو m

Brunomale given name


بْرُونْز m



Taroudantcity in Morocco

تَرُوتَة f


تَفَاعُل كَانِّيزَارُو m

Cannizzaro reactionreaction

تُرُولِّي m

shopping cartconveyance used to carry items while shopping

تُورُونْتُو m

Torontocity in Canada

Torontocity in Canada

تِجَارَة إِلِكْتْرُونِيَّة f

e-commercecommercial activity conducted via the Internet

تِسْتُسْتِرُون m

testosteronesteroid hormone

تْرُوبَادُور m

troubadouran itinerant performer of songs

تْرُوتْسْكِيَّة f

Trotskyismleft-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky

تْرُولِّي بَاص m

trolley busbus powered via overhead electric cables


trombonea musical instrument in the brass family

ثَابِت أَفُوجَادْرُو m

Avogadro's numbernumber of atoms or molecules in 1 mole of some substance

ثَوْر بْرُونْزِيّ m

brazen bullancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death

جَابُورُون f

Gaboronecapital of Botswana

جَارُور m

draweropen-topped box in a cabinet used for storing

جَنَاح رُومِيّ m

elecampane''Inula helenium''



جَيْرُون f

Damascusthe capital city of Syria

جُمْهُورِيَّة بِيلَارُوس f

Republic of Belarusid=Q184|official name of Belarus

جُمْهُورِيَّة رُوسِيَا اَلِاتِّحَادِيَّة اَلِاشْتِرَاكِيَّة اَلسُّوفْيِتِيَّة f

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republicofficial name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union