Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

سِي znamená v Angličtina


romanticconcerned with, or conducive to, romance and love

رُومَانْسِيّ m

romanticperson with romantic character


presidentialpertaining to a president or presidency

رِيح شَمْسِيَّة f

solar windoutflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space

رِيَاح عَكْسِيَّة f

headwindwind that blows directly against the course of a vessel



زَعْتَر نَابُلْسِيّ m



زِي مَدْرَسِيّ m

school uniformuniform items to be worn by students in a school

سَائِق تَاكْسِي m

taxi driverperson who drives a taxicab

سَائِقَة تَاكْسِي f

taxi driverperson who drives a taxicab

سَان خُوسِيه m

San Joséthe capital of Costa Rica

سَان فَرَانْسِيسْكُو m

San FranciscoSan Francisco, California city

سَانْت لُوسِيَا f

Saint Luciaid=Q760|country in the Caribbean

سَاو تُومِي وبْرِينْسِيب

São Tomé and Príncipeid=Q1039|Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe

سَجِين سِيَاسِيّ m

political prisonerperson

سَفِينَة سِيَاحِيَّة f

cruise shippassenger ship


sixfoldhaving six component parts

سُلَّمٌ مُوسِيقِيّ m

scaleseries of notes

سُلَّمُ المُوسِيقَيّ

gamutall the notes in the musical scale

سُنْطُور آلَةْ مُوسِيقِيَّة


سُولَاوَسِي m


سِعْر الْفَائِدَة الأَسَاسِيّ m

policy rate

سْلُوفِينْسِيَّة f

Slovincianextinct language of the Slovincian people

شارة مُوسِيقِيّة f

theme songa song accompanying a program

شَاذّ جِنْسِيًا m

homosexualperson who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex

شَاذّ جِنْسِيًّا

homosexualsexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex

شَاذّ جِنْسِيًّا m

fruitoffensive slang: homosexual or effeminate man

شَارِع رَئِيسِيّ m

thoroughfareroad open at both ends


shamisena Japanese musical instrument

شَرْق آسِيَا m

East Asiaeastern subregion of Asia

شَرْكَسِيَّة f

Circassiannative or inhabitant of Circassia

شَرْكَسِيّ m

Circassiannative or inhabitant of Circassia

Circassianof or pertaining to Circassia or Circassians

شَمْسِيَّة f

parasolumbrella used as protection from the sun

umbrellacloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun


solarof or pertaining to the sun

شَمْسِيّ الْمَرْكَز

heliocentrichaving the sun at the center

صَفْحَة رَئِيسِيَّة f

home pagemain or first page of a website

home pageweb page set to open in a web browser