Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

سِي znamená v Angličtina

صُورَة شَمْسِيَّة f



صِحَّة نَفْسِيَّة f

mental healthemotional well-being

ضَمِير اِنْعِكَاسِيّ m

reflexive pronoun

ضِدّ الْمَسِيح m

antichristsomeone that works against the teachings of Christ

طَرَابُلْسِيَّة f

Tripolitansomeone from Tripoli



طَرَابُلْسِيّ m

Tripolitansomeone from Tripoli

طَرِيق رَئِيسِيّ m

main roadmajor road in a town, village etc.

طَيْف كَهْرُومَغْنَاطِيسِيّ m

electromagnetic spectrumelectromagnetic spectrum

طُور سِينَاء m


طِبّ جِنْسِيّ m

sexologystudy of sex and sexuality

عَالِم سِيَاسِيّ m

political scientistpolitical science expert

عَالِمَة سِيَاسِيَّة f

political scientistpolitical science expert


Abbasidrelating to the Abbasids

عَبَّاسِيّ m

Abbasidmember of the dynasty that ruled from Baghdad from about to 750 to 1250

عَدَسِي m

parabolaa conic section

عَدَّاد تَاكْسِي m

taximeterdevice in a taxicab that calculates the fare

عَزْم مَغْنَاطِيسِيّ

magnetic momentmagnetic moment

عَقْب سِيجَارَة

buttremnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar

عُضْو جِنْسِيّ m

sex organorgan used in sexual reproduction|genitalia

عُلُوم سِيَاسِيَّة m-p

political sciencestudy of politics

عُنْوَان رَئِيسِيّ m

headlineheading or title of an article

عِيدُ جَمِيعِ القِدِّيسِين

HalloweenOctober 31st

غَرِيزَة جِنْسِيَّة f

libidosexual urges or drives

غَرْب آسِيَا m

West Asiathe westernmost region of Asia

غَسِيل m

laundrylaundering; washing

غَسِيل أَمْوَال m

money launderingact of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally

غَسِيل دِمَاغ m

brain-washingform of indoctrination

غَسِيل مُخّ m

brain-washingform of indoctrination

غَفَرَ وَنَسِيَ

forgive and forgetpardon without resentment

غَيانا اَلْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Guianaoverseas department

غَيْر قَابِل غَسِيل m

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

غَيْر قَابِلَة غَسِيلَة f

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

غَيْر مَنْسِيّ

unforgettablevery difficult or impossible to forget

غُويَانَا اَلْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Guianaoverseas department

غِيَانَا اَلْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Guianaoverseas department

غْوِيَانَا اَلْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Guianaoverseas department

فَارِسِيَّة f

Persianperson from Persia


Persianof, from, or pertaining to Persia