Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

سِي znamená v Angličtina

خَوْخ السِيَاج m

blackthornPrunus spinosa

خُلْطَة زَعْتَر نَابُلْسِيّ f



fivefoldin a group or series of five; consisting of five together as one; quintuple|quintuple

خِلَاسِيّ m

mulattoperson of mixed black and white descent

دار أُوبِرَا سِيدْنِي f

Sydney Opera Houseperforming arts centre in Sydney

دَاء مَنْقُول جِنْسِيًّا m

sexually transmitted diseasedisease contracted through sexual contact|venereal disease|STD

دَسِيسَة f

conspiracyan agreement to break the law

intrigueplot or scheme

دَوْلَة بُولِيسِيَّة f

police statenation whose government controls people by police

دُمُوع اَلتَّمَاسِيح m-p

crocodile teardisplay of tears that is forced or false

دُمْيَةُ رُوسِيَّة f

Russian dollwooden doll

دِبْلُومَاسِيَّة f

diplomacyart of conducting international relations

diplomatperson who is accredited to represent a government

دِبْلُومَاسِيّ m

diplomatperson who is accredited to represent a government

diplomaticconcerning relationships between governments

رَأْسِيَّة f

headersoccer: act of hitting the ball with the head


cephalicof or referring to the head

perpendicularat or forming a right angle to

verticalbeing perpendicular to horizontal

رَأْسِيّ الْقَدَم m


رَئِيسِيَّة دَيْر f

abbessfemale superior of a nunnery


mainchief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.

principalprimary, main

رَغْبَة جِنْسِيَّة f

sex drivetendency to engage in sexual activity

رَقْم قِيَاسِيّ m

recordmost extreme known value of some achievement


Ramessesname of pharaohs

رَمْيَةٌ اِنْسِيَابِيَّةٌ f

layup(basketball) A close-range shot

رُخْصَة سِيَاقَة f

driver's licensedocumenting permitting a person to drive

رُوسِيَا f

Russiaid=Q159|country in Eastern Europe and North Asia

رُوسِيَّة f

Russianethnic Russian

Russianperson from Russia


Russianof or pertaining to Russia

رُوسِيّ m

Russianethnic Russian

Russianperson from Russia

RussianRussian (language)

رُولِيت رُوسِيّ m

Russian roulettedeadly game with revolver and random spinning

رُومَانْسِيَّة f

romancemusic: sentimental ballad

romancestory or novel dealing with idealized love

romanticismromantic quality, spirit or action


Romanceof or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin


História vyhľadávania