Angličtina-Španielčina slovník »

-th znamená v Španielčina

bolt from the blue (something totally unexpected)
[UK: bəʊlt frəm ðə bluː]
[US: boʊlt frəm ðə ˈbluː]

como rayo caído del cielonoun

bottom the house (clean a house extremely thoroughly)

limpiar completamenteverb

box the compass (To recite the 32 points of the compass)
[UK: bɒks ðə ˈkʌm.pəs]
[US: ˈbɑːks ðə ˈkʌm.pəs]

cuartear la agujaverb

break the bank (exhaust one's financial resources)
[UK: breɪk ðə bæŋk]
[US: ˈbreɪk ðə ˈbæŋk]


break the bank (win all the money that is available to be paid)
[UK: breɪk ðə bæŋk]
[US: ˈbreɪk ðə ˈbæŋk]

hacer saltar la bancaverb

break the fourth wall (direct communication with the viewer or reader)

romper la cuarta paredverb

break the ice (to start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness)
[UK: breɪk ðə aɪs]
[US: ˈbreɪk ðə ˈaɪs]

romper el hieloverb

break the Internet (to literally break the Internet)

romper Internetverb

break the mold (to depart from tradition)

romper el moldeverb

romper esquemasverb

brevity is the soul of wit (conciseness is essential to witty remarks)

la brevidad es el alma del talentophrase

bring home the bacon (to make a living)
[UK: brɪŋ həʊm ðə ˈbeɪk.ən]
[US: ˈbrɪŋ hoʊm ðə ˈbeɪk.ən]

ganarse la vidaverb

traer el pan a casaverb

bring up the rear (to be last in a moving line of people)
[UK: brɪŋ ʌp ðə rɪə(r)]
[US: ˈbrɪŋ ʌp ðə ˈrɪr]

cerrar la marchaverb

build castles in the air (to have any desire, idea, or plan unlikely to be realized)
[UK: bɪld ˈkɑːs.l̩z ɪn ðə eə(r)]
[US: ˈbɪld ˈkæs.l̩z ɪn ðə ˈer]

forjar castillos en el aireverb

hacer castillos de naipesverb

hacer castillos en el aireverb

levantar castillos en el aireverb

burn the candle at both ends (work hard night and day)
[UK: bɜːn ðə ˈkæn.dl̩ ət bəʊθ endz]
[US: ˈbɝːn ðə ˈkæn.dl̩ ət boʊθ ˈendz]

quemar la vela por los dos cabosverb

burn the midnight oil (work through the night)
[UK: bɜːn ðə ˈmɪd.naɪt ɔɪl]
[US: ˈbɝːn ðə ˈmɪd.ˌnaɪt ˌɔɪl]

hacer días y nochesverb

quemarse las pestañasverb

bury the hatchet (to stop fighting or arguing)
[UK: ˈbe.ri ðə ˈhæ.tʃɪt]
[US: ˈbe.ri ðə ˈhæ.tʃət]

hacer las pacesverb

limar asperezas tengamos la fiesta en pazverb

by the book preposition
[UK: baɪ ðə bʊk]
[US: baɪ ðə ˈbʊk]

a toda leypreposition

by the Grace of God (By divine right)
[UK: baɪ ðə ɡreɪs əv ɡɒd]
[US: baɪ ðə ˈɡreɪs əv ˈɡɑːd]

por la Gracia de Diospreposition

by the looks of things (apparently)

por lo que pareceadverb

by the same token preposition
[UK: baɪ ðə seɪm ˈtəʊkən]
[US: baɪ ðə ˈseɪm ˈtoʊkən]

de la misma manerapreposition

por la misma razónpreposition

by the skin of one's teeth (barely, closely)
[UK: baɪ ðə skɪn əv wʌnz tiːθ]
[US: baɪ ðə ˈskɪn əv wʌnz ˈtiːθ]

con las justaspreposition

dejando pelos en la gaterapreposition

por el canto de un duropreposition

por un pelopreposition

by the time (when)

para cuandoconjunction

by the way (incidentally)
[UK: baɪ ðə ˈweɪ]
[US: baɪ ðə ˈweɪ]

a propósitopreposition

a todo estopreposition

de pasopreposition

dicho sea de pasopreposition

por ciertopreposition

call the fire department phrase

llamar a los bomberosphrase

call the police phrase

llama a la policíaphrase


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