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d-day znamená v Francúzština

D-Day (6 June 1944)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdiː deɪ]
[US: ˈdiː deɪ]

Jour J◼◼◼nom propre

D-Day (date of any major event planned for the future)
[UK: ˈdiː deɪ]
[US: ˈdiː deɪ]

Jour J◼◼◼nom

a cold day in July (an event that will never happen)

quand les poules auront des dentsnom

semaine des quatre jeudisnom {f}

à la Saint-Glinglinnom

cold day in Hell (an event that will never happen)
[UK: kəʊld deɪ ɪn hel]
[US: koʊld ˈdeɪ ɪn ˈhel]

quand les poules auront des dents (when hens have teeth)◼◼◼nom

aux calendes grecquesnom

semaine des quatre jeudis (week with four Thursdays)nom

à la Saint-Glinglinnom

good day (greeting between sunrise and sunset)
[UK: ɡʊd deɪ]
[US: ˈɡʊd ˈdeɪ]


good old days (the past, seen as a time when things were better)
[UK: ɡʊd əʊld deɪz]
[US: ˈɡʊd oʊld ˈdeɪz]

bon vieux temps◼◼◼nom

in broad daylight (in ample natural illumination)
[UK: ɪn brɔːd ˈdeɪ.laɪt]
[US: ɪn ˈbrɒd ˈdeɪ.ˌlaɪt]

en plein jour◼◼◼preposition

à la lumière du jour◼◻◻preposition

in broad daylight (in blatant and visible manner)
[UK: ɪn brɔːd ˈdeɪ.laɪt]
[US: ɪn ˈbrɒd ˈdeɪ.ˌlaɪt]

au grand jour◼◼◻preposition

au vu et au su de tous◼◻◻preposition

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