العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

لُو meaning in بالإنجليزية

عُلُوم عَصَبِيَّة

neurosciencescientific study of the nervous system

غَالُون m

gallona unit of volume used for liquids

غَيْر مَأْلُوف

unfamiliarnot familiar

غُرْفَةْ جُلُوس f

living roomroom in a private house

غُلُوّ m

extremismextreme ideas or actions

غُمْلُول m

prickly thrift''Acantholimon''

whitetop''Lepidium draba''

غْلُوتِين m

glutencereal protein

غْلُوكُوز m

glucosesimple monosaccharide sugar

فَالُوس m

phallusthe penis or its representation

phallusthe penis or its representation

فَالُون دَافَا

Falun Gonga spiritual practice

فَالُون غُونْغ m

Falun Gonga spiritual practice

فُلُوس p

moneymeans of exchange and measure of value

فُلْفُل حُلُو m-p

pimentored sweet pepper

فُلْكُلُور m

folkloretales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population

فُلْكْلُور m

folkloretales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population

فُولُوغْدَا f

Vologdacity in Russia

فُولْكُلُور m

folkloretales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population

فُولْكْلُور m

folkloretales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population

فُونُولُوجِيَّا f

phonologystudy of the way sounds function in languages


physiologicalof, or relating to physiology

فِلُور m

fluorineid=Q650|chemical element

فِيزْيُولُوجِيَا f

physiologybranch of biology

فْلُورَنْسَة f

Florenceprovince in Tuscany, Italy

فْلُورِنْسَا f

Florencecity in Tuscany, Italy

Florenceprovince in Tuscany, Italy

فْلُورِيدَا f

FloridaAmerican state

فْلُورِيَال m

Floréalthe eighth month of French Republican Calendar

قَوْم لُوط

LGBTlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual

قَيْلُولَة f

siestaan afternoon nap

قُولُون m

colonthe last part of the digestive system

كَاسِحَةُ ثُلُوج f


كَالُورِي m

calorieamount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1 °C

كَالُوغَا f

Kalugacity in Russia

كَالُون m

padlocktype of lock

كَتَالُوج m

cataloguea complete list of items

cataloguea systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.

كَتَلُونْيَا f

Cataloniaautonomous community in Spain

كَيْلُون m

padlocktype of lock