العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

كُو meaning in بالإنجليزية

تْشِيكُوسْلُوفَاكِيَا f

Czechoslovakiaid=Q33946|former country in Central Europe

جَاكُوزِي m

jacuzzihot tub or whirlpool bath with underwater jets that massage the body



جُبْن رِيكُوتَّا m

ricottaItalian whey cheese

جُزُر اَلْكُورِيل p

Kuril Islandsarchipelago between Japan and Kamchatka

جُزُر تَرْكْس وَكَايْكُوس f-p

Turks and Caicos Islandsa British overseas territory in the Caribbean

جُزُر كُوك f-p

Cook Islandsself-governing country in Oceania

جُمْهُورِيَة كُورِيَا f

Republic of Koreaid=Q884|country

جُمْهُورِيَّة الْكُونْغُو الدِّيمُقْرَاطِيَّة f

Democratic Republic of the Congoid=Q974|large central African nation, formerly called Zaire

جُمْهُورِيَّة اَلْكُونْغُو f

Republic of the Congoid=Q971|country

جُمْهُورِيَّة كُورِيَا اَلدِّيمُقْرَاطِيَّة اَلشَّعْبِيَّة f

Democratic People's Republic of Koreaid=Q423|country in East Asia (official name)


ZhukovRussian surname

حُكُومَة f

governmentbody with the power to make and/or enforce laws

حُكُومَة اَلاِتِّحَادِيَّة f

federal governmentgeneral term for a federal government


governmentalrelating to a government

حِزَام كُوَيْكِبَات

asteroid beltregion of the solar system

خَارْكُوف f


خَايْكُو m

Haikoua city in China

خَلِيج غَاشْكُونِيَا m

Bay of Biscaygulf


Gorinchemcity in South Holland

دَاكُوتَا اَلشَّمَالِيَّة f

North Dakotastate of the United States of America

دَاكُوتَا اَلْجَنُوبِيَّة f

South Dakotastate of the USA


daikonlarge white radish

دَوْلَة اَلْكُوَيْت f

State of Kuwaitid=Q817|country (official name)

دِيسْكُو m

discodiscotheque|night club




ذُكُورِيَّة f

masculisma social theory or political movement

رَئِيس الحُكُومَة m

head of governmentchief officer of the executive branch of a government

رَئِيس حُكُومَة m

prime ministerchief member of the cabinet and head of the government

رَئِيسَة حُكُومَة f

prime ministerchief member of the cabinet and head of the government

رَاكُون m

raccoonnocturnal omnivore living in North America, ''Procyon lotor''

رَكُوب أَمْوَاج m


رُكُوب m

rideinstance of riding

رُكُوب اَلدَّرَاجَات m

cyclingThe activity of riding bicycles

رُكُوب اَلْخَيْل m

equestrianismthe art or sport of riding horses

رُكُود تَضَخُّمِي

stagflationprolonged high inflation accompanied by stagnant growth

رِيكُوتَّا f

ricottaItalian whey cheese

زَاوِيَة مَعْكُوسَة

reflex angleangle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees

زِيرْكُونْيُوم m

zirconiumchemical element