العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

كُو meaning in بالإنجليزية

كُوَارَة f

beehiveman-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey

كُوَارْك سَاحِر m

charm quarkcharm quark

كُوَارْك عُلْوِيّ m

up quarkup quark

كُوَارْك غَرِيب m

strange quarkstrange quark

كُوَارْك قَعْرِيّ m

bottom quarkbottom quark

كُوَارْكُ سُفْلِيّ m

down quarkdown quark

كُوَارْكُ قَمِّيّ m

top quarktop quark

كُوَالَا f

koalaa tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear

كُوَيْتِيَّة f

KuwaitiA person from [[Kuwait]] or of Kuwaiti descent

كُوَيْتِيُّون m-p

KuwaitiA person from [[Kuwait]] or of Kuwaiti descent


Kuwaitiof, from, or pertaining to Kuwait or the Kuwaiti people

كُوَيْتِيّ m

KuwaitiA person from [[Kuwait]] or of Kuwaiti descent

كُوَيْكِب m

asteroidastronomy: a naturally occurring solid object, which is smaller than a planet and is not a comet, that orbits a star

كُوَّة f



Catholicismfaiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church

أَكُوتَاغَاوَا m


أَكُورْدِيُون m

accordiona small, portable, keyed wind instrument


voraciousdevouring great quantities of food



أَنْغْكُور وَات m

Angkor WatCambodian temple complex

أَنْكُورِيج m


أَنْكُورِيَة f

Ankaracapital of Turkey

أُفْكُوهَة f

anecdoteshort account of an incident

أُنُون كُوَادْيُوم

ununquadiumchemical element

أُوتَاكُو m

otakuone with an obsessive interest in something such as anime or manga

أُوسُّو بُوكُو m

osso bucoItalian meat dish

إِسْكُوبْيَة f

Skopjecapital of North Macedonia

إِنْكُودِينْغ m

encodingcharacter encoding (computing)

إِيرْكُوتْسْك m

Irkutskcity in Siberia


ecologicalrelating to ecology

الذُّكُورَة السَّامَّة f

toxic masculinitytoxic masculinity



الْكُوسِيَّة f

XhosaXhosa language

الْكُوشِيَّة f

Cushiticsubfamily of the Afroasiatic family

الْكُوفَة f

Kufacity in Iraq

الْكُونْغُو f

Congoid=Q971|country with Brazzaville as capital

الْكُوَيْت f

Kuwaitid=Q817|country in the Middle East

Kuwait Citycapital of Kuwait

الْمَذْكُورُ آنِفًا

above-mentionedmentioned or named before; aforesaid

الْهُولُوكُوسْت m

Holocaustthe mass murder of 11–14 million people by Nazi Germany