العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

وَقْت meaning in بالإنجليزية

وَقْت m

hourthe time

وَقْت إِضَافِيّ m

overtimeextra period in sports

وَقْت الْحَرْب m

wartimeperiod of a war

وَقْت اَلْفَرَاغ m

free timetime when one is not working

leisuretime free

وَقْت سلام السَّلَامِ

peacetimeperiod of peace

وَقْت سلم السِّلْمِ

peacetimeperiod of peace

وَقْت مُسْتَقْطَع m

time-outin sports

وَقْتٌ بَدَلُ الضَّائِع m

injury timeadditional time played straight after each of the two halves

أَيّ وَقْت

anytimeat any time

فِي أَسْرَع وَقْت مُمْكِن

as soon as possibleas soon as is possible

فِي أَقْرَب وَقْت مُمْكِن

as soon as possibleas soon as is possible

فِي نَفْس اَلْوَقْت

at the same timesimultaneously|at once|simultaneously

فِي وَقْت لَاحِق

in retrospectas can be seen now but was not seen at the outset

قَضَى وَقْت

spend timededicate time to an activity

لَم أَرَكَ مُنْذُ وَقْت طَوِيل

long time no seeidiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time

لَم أَرَكِ مُنْذُ وَقْت طَوِيل

long time no seeidiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time

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