العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

وَان meaning in بالإنجليزية

سِيشْوَان m

Sichuana province in China


erotictending to arouse sexual desire



libidinoushaving lustful desires

lustfulfull of lust

شِيجْيَاجْوَانْغ m

Shijiazhuanga city of China

صِيوَان اَلْأُذْن m

pinnavisible part of the ear

عَدَم وُجُود قَوَانِين m

lawlessnesslack of law and order

عَرْش الأُقْحُوَان m

Chrysanthemum ThroneJapanese monarchy

عَقْرَب ثَوَانِي m

second handthe hand or pointer that shows the number of seconds that have passed

عَلَم ثُلَاثِيّ الْأَلْوَانِ m

tricolourA flag with three stripes of different colours

عَوَانَة f

avaniafee imposed by Ottomans

عَوَانِيَّة f

avaniafee imposed by Ottomans

عُدْوَان m

aggressionact of initiating hostilities or invasion

عُدْوَانِيَّة f

bellicisman inclination to war|militarism


aggressivetending or disposed to aggress

bellicosewarlike in nature

عُنْوَان m

addressdescription of the location of a property; direction for correspondence


titlename of a book, etc

عُنْوَان آي بِي m

IP addressnumber assigned to each computer's network interface

عُنْوَان بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-mail addressunique identifier

عُنْوَان رَئِيسِيّ m

headlineheading or title of an article

عُنْوَان فَرْعِيّ m

subtitleheading below a title

عِدْوَان m

aggressionthe practice or habit of launching attacks

عِلْم اَلْحَيَوَان m

zoologyscience that studies the animal kingdom

عِنْوَان m

addressdescription of the location of a property; direction for correspondence

titlename of a book, etc

عِنْوَان بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-mail addressunique identifier

غْوَانْغْجُو m

GuangzhouChinese city

غْوَانْغْدُونْغ m

Guangdongprovince of China

غْوَانْغْشِي m

GuangxiZhuang autonomous region in China

فَاوَانِيَا f

peonyPaeonia genus of flowering plants

فَرَوَانِيّ m

furrycovered with fur

قَشْقَوَان m

caciocavalloItalian cheese type|kashkaval

kashkavala group of various traditional yellow cheeses from Turkey and the Balkans|caciocavallo

قَلْوَانِيّ m

alkaloidorganic heterocyclic base

قَيْرَوَانِيَّة f

Kairouania person from, or an inhabitant of, Kairouan


Kairouaniof or pertaining to Kairouan