العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

وَادِي meaning in بالإنجليزية

وَادِي أَوْسْتَا m

Valle d'Aostaregion of northwestern Italy

وَادِي الْحِجَارَة f

Guadalajaracity in Jalisco, Mexico

Guadalajaracity in Spain

وَادِي اَلسِّيلِكُون m

Silicon Valleynickname for region in San Francisco

وَادِي اَلْمُلُوك m

Valley of the KingsEgyptian valley known for its tombs

وَادِي بُو m

Po valleylarge plain in northern Italy


Irrawaddyriver that flows through Burma

الوَادِي الكَبِير m

Guadalquivirriver in southern Spain

الْوَادِي m

valleyelongated depression between hills or mountains

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