العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

هُوِيَّة meaning in بالإنجليزية

هُوِيَّة f

identityname or persona

identitythe difference or character that marks off an individual or group from the rest

هُوِيَّة الْمُتَحَوِّلِينَ جِنْسِيًّا f


هُوِيَّة جَنْدَرِيَّة f

gender identityperson's sense of self as a member of a particular gender

هُوِيَّة جِنْسِيَّة f

sexualitysexual identity

اِضْطِرَاب هُوِيَّة m

dysphoriastate of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed

اِضْطِرَاب هُوِيَّة جِنْسِيّ m

gender dysphoriaprofound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people

بِطَاقَة هُوِيَّة f

identificationdocument serving as evidence of a person's identity

identity cardidentity card