العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

هَال meaning in بالإنجليزية

هَال m

cardamom''E. cardamomum''

cardamomits seed or seed capsule

هَالَابِينْيُو m

jalapeñovariety of hot chili pepper

هَالَة f

areolacircle around the nipple

haloatmospheric phenomenon

هَالُوك m

broomrapeplant of the genus Orobanche

هَالُوِين m

HalloweenOctober 31st

هَالِيت m

halidehalogen salt

إِسْهَال m

diarrheamedical condition

اِسْتِمْهَال m

moratoriumauthorization permitting temporary suspension of payments

جَهَالَة f

ignorancecondition of being uninformed or uneducated

سِنْهَالِيّ m

Sinhalesethe language

فَالْهَالَا f

Valhallain Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle

لُغَة سِنْهَالِيَّة f

Sinhalesethe language