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نَظَر meaning in بالإنجليزية

نَظَر m

eyesightfaculty of sight

opinionthought a person has formed about a topic

visionsense or ability of sight


theoreticallyin theory

نَظَرًا لِـ

seeinginasmuch as; in view of the fact


lookto try to see

look atto observe or watch

watchto look at for a period of time

نَظَرِيَّة f

theoremproved mathematical statement

theorya coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena

theoryan unproven conjecture

نَظَرِيَّة الأَوْتَار f

string theorycandidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles

نَظَرِيَّة التَّطَوُّر f

evolutionary theorytheory of evolution

نَظَرِيَّة اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْكَوْنِيّ اَلْعَظِيم

grand unification theorytheory that unifies fundamental forces

نَظَرِيَّة مُؤَامَرَة f

conspiracy theoryhypothetical speculation

نَظَرِيَّةُ الثُّنَاحَدِّيِّ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

نَظَرِيَّةُ ذَاتِ الْحَدَّيْنِ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

نَظَرِيَّةُ ذِي الْحَدَّيْنِ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

نَظَرِيَّةْ اَلمَعْرِفَة f

epistemologybranch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge


theoreticconcerned with theories or hypotheses

theoreticalof or relating to theory

بِغَضّ النَظَر عَن

apart fromexcept for

حِرَاسَة نَظَرِيَّة

custodystate of being imprisoned or detained

وِجْهَة نَظَر f

point of viewattitude, opinion, or set of beliefs

point of viewposition from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint