العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

نَجْم meaning in بالإنجليزية

نَجْم m

celebrityfamous person

نَجْم الشَمَال

Polarisα Ursae Minoris|North Star

نَجْم زَائِف m

quasarAn extragalactic object

نَجْم قَزَم m

dwarf starstar that is a located in the main sequence

نَجْم نْيُوتْرُونِيّ

neutron starstar composed of neutrons

نَجْمَة f

celebrityfamous person

startbeginning of an activity

startbeginning point of a race

نَجْمَة الصَّبَاح f

morning starplanet Venus as seen around dawn

نَجْمَة الْمَسَاء f

evening starplanet Venus seen in the evening

نَجْمَة دَاوُود f

Star of Davidsymbol of Jewish identity and Judaism

نَجْمَة سِينِمَائِيَّة f

movie starstar of the cinema

نَجْمَةُ اَلْبَحْرِ f

starfishvarious echinoderms

نَجْمِيَّة f

astralrelating to or resembling the stars


stellarof, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars

نَجْمِيّ m

astralrelating to or resembling the stars

نَجْمِيّ الْمَرْكَز


رِيح نَجْمِيَّة f

stellar windequivalent of solar wind

عُنْقُود نَجْمِيّ m

clustergroup of galaxies, nebulae, or stars that appear to the naked eye to be near each other

نِظَام نَجْمِيّ m

star systemgroup of stars that orbit one another