العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

مِيل meaning in بالإنجليزية

مِيل m

declinationat a given point, the angle between the line connecting this point with the geographical center of the earth and the equatorial plane

milemeasure of length

مِيل بَحْرِيّ m

nautical milenautical: a unit of measure equal to 1852 metres

مِيل فَاي m

mille-feuillea type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry

مِيل فُوي m

mille-feuillea type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry


Christmasfestival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places

مِيلَاد m

birthprocess of childbearing; beginning of life

مِيلَانُو m

Milanmajor Italian city

مِيلَانِيزِيَا f

Melanesiapart of Oceania





مِيلُودْرَامَا f

melodramaromantic drama

مِيلِي ثَانِيَة f

millisecondone one-thousandth of a second

مِيلِيشْيَا f

militiaarmy of trained civilians called upon in time of need

مِيلْك شَيْك m

milkshakemilk and ice cream beverage

إِزْمِيل m

chiseltool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal

التَّجْمِيل اللُّغَوِيّ m

syntactic sugar

الزَّمَن الجَمِيل

good old daysthe past, seen as a time when things were better

الْجَمِيلَة الْنَائِمَة f

Sleeping Beautyfairy tale

اِنْتِخَابَات تَكْمِيلِيَّة m-p

by-electionelection to fill a vacant political office

بِرْمِيل m

barrelround vessel made from staves bound with a hoop

بِرْمِيل مُتَفَجِّر

barrel bomb

بِطَاقَة عِيد اَلْمِيلَاد f

Christmas cardgreeting card that celebrates Christmas

تَارِيخُ الْمِيلَادِ m

date of birthdate and year when something was born

تَامِيل نَادُو m

Tamil Nadustate in southern India

تَامِيلِيّ m


تَجْمِيل m

beautificationbeautifying, making beautiful

تَجْمِيل الْأَظَافِر m

manicurecosmetic treatment for the fingernails

تَجْمِيل الْيَدَيْن m

manicurecosmetic treatment for the fingernails

تَحْمِيلَة f

suppositorymedicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity

تَرْنِيمة عِيد اَلْمِيلَاد f

Christmas carolhymn whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas


beautifulpossessing charm and attractive


handsomeof man: attractive

prettyespecially of women and children: pleasant, attractive

جَمِيلَة f

beautysomeone beautiful: female

JamilaFemale name in Muslim communities

جِرَاحَةْ تَجْمِيل f

plastic surgerysurgery involving the transfer of tissue

حَفْلَة عِيد مِيلَاد f

birthday partya party held to celebrate a birthday

زَمِيل m

boyfriendmale friend


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