العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

مِيزَان meaning in بالإنجليزية


scalesdevice for weighing goods for sale

مِيزَان m

scaleratio of distances

مِيزَان الْحَرَارَة m

thermometerapparatus used to measure temperature

مِيزَان زِئْبَقِيّ m

straightedgetool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines

مِيزَانُ مَاء m

spirit levelspirit level

مِيزَانِيَّة f

budgetitemized summary of intended expenditure

budgetthe amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame

اَلْمِيزَان m

Libraastrological sign


بَارْمِيزَان m

parmesanhard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma

بُرْج اَلْمِيزَان m

Libraastrological sign
