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مُقَاطَعَة meaning in بالإنجليزية

مُقَاطَعَة f

boycottthe act of boycotting

countyadministrative region of various countries

districtadministrative division

interruptionthe act of interrupting, or the state of being interrupted

provincea subdivision of government usually one step below the national level

مُقَاطَعَة شَمَالِيَّة f

Northern TerritoryTerritory in northern Australia

مُقَاطَعَة غَالْوَايْ f

Galwaycounty in Ireland

مُقَاطَعَة كُولُومْبِيَا f

District of Columbiafederal capital of the United States of America

الْمُقَاطَعَة الْبِرِيطَانِيَّة باَلْقَارَّة الْقُطْبِيَّة الْجَنُوبِيَّة

British Antarctic TerritoryBritish Antarctic Territory