العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

مَع meaning in بالإنجليزية

مَعْتُوه m

madmanan insane man

مَعْجُون الأَسْنَان m

toothpastepaste for cleaning the teeth

مَعْجُون لَوْز m

almond pastepaste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities


countablegrammar: freely used with numbers and the definite article


nonexistentnot existent

مَعْدُونِس m

parsleyplant ''Petroselinum crispum''

مَعْدِن m

metalatomic element or material made of such atoms

mineralin geology



مَعْرَكَة f

battlegeneral action, fight, or encounter; a combat

مَعْرَكَة بِرِيطانِيَا f

Battle of Britainseries of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II

مَعْرُوض m

exhibitsomething exhibited

مَعْرُوف m

beneficenceact of philanthropy

favorkind or helpful deed

مَعْرِض m

exhibitionlarge scale public showing of objects or products

expositionaction of putting something out to public view

galleryinstitution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art


مَعْرِض عَالَمِيّ m

World Expositiona regular international exposition

مَعْرِفَة f

acquaintancestate of being acquainted, acquaintanceship

definite(linguistics) designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing

knowledgeawareness, state of having been informed

knowledgefact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information

sciencefact of knowing something


she-goatfemale goat


hircineof, pertaining to, or characteristic of goats


impeccableIncapable of wrongdoing or sin; immaculate

impeccablePerfect, having no faults, flaws or errors

مَعْقَل m



reasonablejust; fair; agreeable to reason

reasonablenot expensive; fairly priced


complexnot simple or straightforward

مَعْقِل m

citadela strong fortress that sits high above a city

citadela stronghold or fortified place

fortificationthat which fortifies

مَعْكَرُونَة f

macaronitype of pasta

spaghettitype of pasta made in the shape of long thin strings

مَعْكَرُونَة بِالفَاصُولِيَا f

pasta e fagiolisoup made with pasta and beans

مَعْلَم m

landmarknotable location

parametername in a function or subroutine definition