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مَاوِيّ meaning in بالإنجليزية


Maoistof Maoism

مَاوِيّ m

MaoistMaoist advocate

اِتِّجَاه سَمَاوِيّ m

cardinal pointany of the four main points of the compass

جِرْم سَمَاوِيّ m

heavenly bodynatural celestial body


demagogue(pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument


celestialrelating to heaven (religious)

celestialrelating to sky

heavenlypertaining to heaven

light bluea pale blue colour: sky blue or similar

sky bluelight blue|dark blue|blue

سَمَاوِيّ m

azurecolour of the sky

cyana colour between blue and green


chemistryas modifier: relating to or using chemistry

كِيمَاوِيّ m

chemicalrelating to chemistry

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