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مَا meaning in بالإنجليزية


notnegates meaning of verb

whatfused relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing(s) that

whatwhat? (interrogative pronoun)

مَا أَن

as soon asimmediately after

مَا اِسْمَهُ m

what's-his-nameA person or entity whose name one does not remember

مَا جُونْغ m

mahjonggame for four players

مَا دَامَ

as long asif, assuming

مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّه

mashallahGod has willed it

مَا شَاءَ ٱللّٰهُ

what hath God wroughtExpression of wonder and marvel

مَا عَدَا


exceptintroducing a noun or noun phrase forming an exception or qualification

مَا فَوْقَ الطَّبِيعَة m

supernaturalabove nature

مَا قَبْلَ التَّارِيخ

prehistoricof relating to the epoch before written record

مَا وَرَاءَ النَهْر

Transoxianaancient portion of Central Asia

مَا يُسَمَّى

so-calledso named

مَاء التُونِك m

tonic watercarbonated beverage

مَاء الحَنَفِيَّة m

tap waterwater from a tap

مَاء الزَّيْتُون m

amurcasediment in olive oil

مَاء الصُّودَا m

soda waterwater with carbon dioxide

مَاء النَارَجِيل m

coconut waterclear liquid found inside immature coconuts

مَاء الْجُبْن m

wheyliquid remaining after milk has been curdled

مَاء اَلصُّودَا m

carbonated waterwater containing carbon dioxide

مَاء شُرْب

drinking waterwater for humans

مَاء كُولُونِيَا m

cologneeau de Cologne

مَاء مَعْدِنِيّ m

mineral waterwater containing dissolved minerals

مَاء مَلَكِيّ m

aqua regiamixture of acids

مَاء مُقَدَّس m

holy waterwater, sanctified

مَاء وَرْد m

rosewatera liquid produced by steeping rose petals in water

مَاءٌ عَذْبٌ m

fresh waterwater with little salt


meowof a cat, to make its cry

مَائِع m

fluidany state of matter which can flow

liquidsubstance that is liquid


diagonalgeometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices

inclinedslanted, sloped

مَائِلَة مُعَاكِسَة f

backslashpunctuation mark


aquaticrelating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water

aqueousconsisting mainly of water

مَابُوتُو m

Maputocapital of Mozambique

مَابُوتْشِي m

MapucheMapuche tribe

مَات m

checkmatesaid when making the conclusive move in chess