العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

ما meaning in بالإنجليزية

حَمامٌ زاجِلٌ m-p

carrier pigeoncarrier pigeon

حَمامَةٌ زاجِلة f

carrier pigeoncarrier pigeon

خانتي-مانسييسك m

Khanty-Mansiyskcity in Russia

خماسي أضلاع

pentagona polygon with five sides and five angles

خنفساء الماء

water beetleinsect

خياران أحلاهما مر أَمامَ خِيارَيْنِ أَحْلاهُمَا مُرّ

between a rock and a hard placehaving the choice between two unpleasant options

داء الليشمانيات

leishmaniasisany of various ulcerative skin diseases caused by any of the protozoans of the genus ''Leishmania''

دانماركية f


دبلوماسية الطهى

gastrodiplomacytype of cultural diplomacy where relations between representatives of different cultures are improved by the means of gastronomy and the promotion of national cuisines

دمار متبادل

mutual assured destructionthreat


alwaysat all times

ذات الحمام

Dhat al-Humam

رماد متطاير m

fly ashresidue generated in the combustion of powdered coal or other materials, comprising the fine particles that rise with the flue gases

رَفَعَ سماعة السَّمَّاعَة

pick up the phoneto pick up the receiver of a telephone to answer a call

زلاجة مائية f

water slidea recreational slide with water flowing down it

زمان m

presentcurrent time

زَعِيم الدهماء

demagogue(pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument

سائيتاما f

Saitamaa city of Japan

Saitamaa prefecture of Japan

سامانثا f

Samanthafemale given name

سماء f

firmamentvault of the heavens|heavens|sky

سورة الماعون

Charity107th sura of the Qur'an

سوق مالية

financial marketmarket where financial securities and commodities are bought and sold



شارنت ماريتيم

Charente-MaritimeFrench department

شامانيّ؛ سامانيّ؛ شامان؛ سامان؛ عرّاف، ناسِك شامانيّ

samanaBuddhist hermit

شحرور البقر اللماع

shiny cowbirdshiny cowbird

شخصٌ سقط في الماء

man overboardcry indicating someone has fallen over the side

شلل دماغي m

cerebral palsygroup of non-contagious conditions

شمال هولندا f

North Hollandprovince of the Netherlands

شمال يوركشاير m

North Yorkshirecounty

شيطان تسمانيا

Tasmanian devil''Sarcophilus harrisii''

صمام أمان

safety valvevalve set to open at a pressure below that at which a container holding a gas, vapour, etc., would burst, thus reducing the pressure

ضحضاح ماء m

sandbarridge of sand

طاقة كهرمائية

hydroelectricityelectricity produced from energy of water



عفريت الماء

axolotlendangered salamander

علامات التمدد

stretch markstripes on the surface of the skin

علم اجتماعي

social sciencebranch of science

علم الأحياء النمائي التطوري

evolutionary developmental biologybranch of biology