العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

لِ meaning in بالإنجليزية

أَلِكْسَنْدَر m

Alexandermale given name


hurtto be painful, to ache

أَلِيخَانْدْرُو m

Alejandromale given name transliterated

أَلِيس f

Alicefemale given name


Elishebabiblical wife of Aaron


domesticatedselectively bred to live with or around humans

tamenot wild


bitterharsh, piercing or stinging

painfulcausing pain

أَلْعَاب أُولِمْبِيَّة f-p

Olympic Gamesinternational multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival|Olympics

أَلْعَاب بَارَالِمْبِيَّة f-p

Paralympic Gamesinternational sports competition participated in by sportspeople with physical disabilities|Paralympics

أَمِين اَلْمَظَالِم m

ombudsmanofficial who investigates complaints

أَمْرِيكَا الشَّمَالِيَّة f

North Americaid=Q49|continent

أَمْرِيكِيّ أَصْلِيّ m

redskinan American Indian

أَنَاتُولِي m

Anatolitransliteration of {{lang|ru|Анато́лий

Anatoliusmale given name

أَنَاغَالِس m

pimpernelplant of genus ''Anagallis''

أَنْتِلِيجِنْسْيَا f

intelligentsiaintellectual elite

intelligentsiaintellectual elite

أَنْقَلِيس m

eelany fish of the order Anguilliformes

أَنْكَلِيس m

eelany fish of the order Anguilliformes


civilrelated to people and government office as opposed to military or religion


primarythat which is placed ahead of others

أَوْسْتِرْلِيتْز m

Austerlitzformer name of Slavkov u Brna

أَوْلِيفَر m

Olivermale given name

أَوْلِيڤَر m

Olivermale given name

أُسْتُرَالِيَا f

Australiaid=Q3960|continent of Australia

Australiaid=Q408|Commonwealth of Australia

أُسْتُرَالِيَّة f

Australiana person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent


Australianof or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages

Australianof or pertaining to the country of Australia

أُسْتُرَالِيّ m

Australiana person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent

أُسْتْرَالِيَا الْغَرْبِيَّة f

Western Australiastate of Australia

أُصُولِيَّة f


أُصُولِيّ m

fundamentalistone who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts


Uqaylidrelating to the Uqaylid dynasty

أُقَيْلِيّ m

Uqaylidmember of the Uqaylid dynasty

أُمّ اللَّآلِئ f

mother-of-pearlpearly layer

أُمّ عَلِيّ f

Om AliOm Ali

أُورُشَلِيم f

Jerusalemcity in the Holy Land