العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

لَو meaning in بالإنجليزية

لَو سَمَحْت

pleaseinterjection to make a polite request


twistto turn the ends in opposite directions


laceadd something harmful to

smearto damage someone's reputation by slandering, making false accusations


colorgive something color

paintto apply paint to

paintto practise the art of painting pictures

لَوَّنَ m

colorizeto add color to

لَوِيَاثَان m

leviathanBiblical sea monster


ifsupposing that

لَوْح m

blackboarda surface that can be written upon with chalk

boardshort for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.

chalkboardslate board for writing on with chalk|blackboard

palewooden stake

tabletslab of clay

لَوْح اَلتَّزَلُّج

skateboardsports/recreation platform on wheels

لَوْح اَلْكَتِف m

shoulder bladebone

لَوْح تَقْطِيع m

chopping boardsturdy board, upon which one chops and prepares food

لَوْحَة f

billboardlarge advertisement along side of highway

boardlong, wide and thin piece of wood or other material

boardshort for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.

paintingan illustration or artwork using paint

signboarda board carrying a sign

لَوْحَة إعْلَانِيَّة f

billboardlarge advertisement along side of highway

لَوْحَة إِشْهَارِيَّة f

billboardlarge advertisement along side of highway

لَوْحَة إِعْلَانَات f

billboardlarge advertisement along side of highway

لَوْحَة اَلتَّحَكُّم

control panelsurface with controls

لَوْحَة تِذْكَارِيَّة f

stele(archaeology) tall, slender stone monument

لَوْحَة زَيْتِيَة f

oil paintinga painting done with oil paints

لَوْحَة فَنِّيَّة f

paintingan illustration or artwork using paint

لَوْحَةُ التَّعْلِيمَات f

dashboardupturned screen of wood

لَوْحَةُ تَسْجِيلٍ مَرْكَبَةٍ f

license platean identifying plate attached to a vehicle

لَوْحَةُ سَيَّارَةٍ f

license platean identifying plate attached to a vehicle

لَوْحَةْ مَفَاتِيح f

keyboardset of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.

لَوْز p



لَوْزَة f



tonsilpalatine tonsil

لَوْلَب m
