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قرقف أسود الصدر

black-bibbed tit''Poecile hypermelaenus''

قُبَّةُ الصَّخْرَةِ f

Dome of the Rockshrine in Jerusalem

قِيَاس (عِلْمُ الصَّرْف) m

paradigmlinguistics: all forms which contain a common element

كلوريد الصوديوم

sodium chloridechemical term for table salt; NaCl

كَرْبُونَات اَلصُّودْيُوم m

sodasodium carbonate

كَلْبُ الصَّيْدِ الأفْغَانِيِّ m

Afghan HoundAfghan Hound

كُرَةُ اْلصَالَةِ

futsalform of soccer

كُوز الصَنَوْبَر

pineconeseed-bearing cone of a pine tree

كِيس اَلصَّفَن m

scrotumthe bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles

متملص m

elusiveevading capture, comprehension or remembrance

مضاد الصدفية

antipsoriaticserving to prevent or counter psoriasis

مقاوم للصقيع

frostproofresistant to frost

مَاء الصُّودَا m

soda waterwater with carbon dioxide

مَاء اَلصُّودَا m

carbonated waterwater containing carbon dioxide

مَمْنُوع مِنَ الصَّرْف m

diptotea noun which has only two cases

مُعَادَاة الصَهْيُونِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الصُهْيُونِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الصِهْيَوْنِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الصِهْيُونِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُنَظَّمَة الصِّحَّة الْعَالَمِيَّة f

World Health Organizationid=Q7817|UN public health agency|WHO

مُنَظَّمَةُ الصِّحَةِ الْعَالَمِيَّة f

WHOWorld Health Organization

مِسْمَاعُ الصَّدْر m

stethoscopemedical instrument

مِلْعَقَةُ الصَيْدَلِيِّ

spatulakitchen utensil for turning and lifting

نَجْمَة الصَّبَاح f

morning starplanet Venus as seen around dawn

يَوْم اَلصَّنَادِيق m

Boxing Daythe day after Christmas: 26 December|St. Stephen's Day


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