العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

لا meaning in بالإنجليزية

الاِتِّحَاد السُّوَيْسْرِيّ m

Swiss Confederationid=Q39|Official name of Switzerland

الاِتِّحَاد الْقُمُرِيّ

Union of the Comorosofficial name for the Comoros

الثلاثاء البدين

Shrove Tuesdayday before the beginning of Lent

الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية f

Islamic Republic of Mauritaniaofficial name of Mauritania


GilakiGilaki language

الديمقراطية الاجتماعية

social democracymoderate left-wing political philosophy

الرسالة إلى أهل غلاطية

Galatiansbook of the Bible

السلام عليك


السلام عليكم


السلام عليكم يا عالم

Hello WorldHello World

العَجَلَة الاحْتِيَاطِيَّة f

spare tyreextra tyre

الغشاء البلازمي

cell membranesemipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell

الكنيسة اللاتينية f

Latin Churchone of the particular churches

اللاعنف m

nonviolencephilosophy that rejects violence

الملاك الساقط m

fallen angelangel who was exiled from heaven

الهلال الخصيب m

Fertile Crescentcrescent-shaped arc of fertile land

الوعي بلا اختيار

choiceless awarenessthe state of unpremeditated, complete awareness of the present without preference, effort, or compulsion

ام الاله f

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

TheotokosMary, mother of Jesus, as God-bearer|Mary|Mother of God

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلسُّوفْيَاتِيّ m

USSRUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْأَفْرِيقِيّ m

African Unionmultinational organisation

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْأُورَاسِيّ m

Eurasian Economic Unioneconomic union|EAU|EAEU

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْإِفْرِيقِيّ m

African Unionmultinational organisation

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْيُورَاسِيّ m

Eurasian Economic Unioneconomic union|EAU|EAEU

اَلاِحْتِبَاس اَلْحَرَارِيّ m

greenhouse effectprocess by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere


syphilissexual disease caused by ''Treponema pallidum''

اِبْنِ الاُخْت m

sororal nephewsister’s son

اِتِّحَاد الْجُمْهُورِيَّات السُّوفْيَاتِيَّة الاِشْتِرَاكِيَّة m

Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsid=Q15180|a country in Eurasia|Soviet Union|USSR

اِحْتِلال m

conquestact or instance of achieving victory through combat; subjugation of an enemy

occupationcontrol of a country or region by a hostile army

اِخْتِلال m

disorderabsence of order

اِسْتِعْلام m

querycomputing: set of instructions passed to a database

اِسْتِقْلال m


بلا سبب

becauseword used in place of an answer to "why"

بلاد العجائب

wonderlandImaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels

بلازما الدم

blood plasmaclear fluid portion of blood


for freewithout paying

free of chargenot requiring any payment - adjective

بلاغويفغراد m

Blagoevgradtown in Bulgaria

بلوك آيلاند

Block Island