العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

قَدَّسَ meaning in بالإنجليزية


canonizeto declare as a saint

consecratedeclare holy, or make holy by some procedure

المُقَدَّسَة مَرْيَم f

Saint MaryMary, mother of Jesus|Mary|Mother of God|Our Lady|Virgin Mary|Theotokos

اَلْأَرْض اَلْمُقَدَّسَة f

Holy Landthat part of Asia in which most Biblical events are set

اَلْإِمْبَرَاطُورِيَّة اَلرُّومَانِيَّة اَلْمُقَدَّسَة f

Holy Roman Empireid=Q12548|state

حَرْب مُقَدَّسَة f

holy wara type of war|war of religion

Your history